I just ordered a rubber base wifi antenna from you with the usb connector .I am in IRAQ and we have a wireless network but the source is about 3/4 of a mile away.Is the antenna I ordered going to do the job and I will have it at least 15 feet above the top of our building? I started to order the base station omni directional but did not see the USB CONNECTOR with it on the picture.We have been searching for your products and now have found you!Please help me as many others are using wireless antennas that are made for indoors and the sun is harsh and has damaged several of them .PLEASE HELP US??
Reply Time
2006-06-01 10:14:52
Normally the 5dBi dipole antenna with the Mage base can improve the siganl range about 50% or more.
However from your first question, the distacne from your house to the hotspot is about 3/4 mile. The distance is a little bit too far a way.
If you can receive the signal already before you plug the USB adapter from WIFI-Link.
The USB adapter with the dipole antenna will improve the signal.
Thank you.
WIFI-Link Tehcnologies Inc
wireless antenna wit
Reply Time
2006-05-31 13:56:18
I am using a wireless antenna that is about the size of my thumb and plugs into my usb adapter.It is mounted on a 15 foot pole and is made to be used indoors but we had to use it outdoors.I am able to get a good signal but I am hoping that the rubber based antenna with the usb adapter will give me an even BETTER SIGNAL. How much of an improvement will I get and there is nothing between myself and the source of the signal? You shipped my order out and I cannot wait to get it! Thank you
Reply Time
2006-05-29 03:17:22
Regarding to your question,
At the first, I am not sure which antenna you order from us,
So if you don.t mind could you please email us the order number??
Normally for the USB wireless adapter and 5dbi dipole antenna can.t not receive the singal more than 0.5km which is about 0.3mile.
So if you world like to receive the signal from 3/4 mile, you will need the AP and the high gain antenna to receive it.
However it will still depend on your area.
If there are too many things between your home to the hotspot, the signal will become weak.
So when you setup the AP or USB adapter before, You have to make use you can receive the signal already even the signa is very weak.
Thank you very much
WIFI-Link Technologies Inc
WIFI-Link Group - WIFI-Link Network : Taiwan
(All products are Made In Taiwan)